Saturday, April 28, 2007


Our Bishop and his wife had to go out of town for four days so who did they ask to stay with their 14 year old daughter? Nate and I!! They have a beautiful home and it has been really nice to not be in our cramped apartment for a few days. But now I have to make a public apology to my mother for the many nights I made her worry when I was not home. Holly (the bishop's daughter) had about seven friends over last night, which was fine- we ordered pizzas and the girls just sat around and talked (Nate was a little concerned with HOW MUCH talking was going on, I guess his five sisters didn't prepare him for the massive amounts of socializing that teenage girls do). Anyway, Nate and I went upstairs to watch some TV and at about 6:30pm Holly came up and said that she and the girls were "going for a walk". This seemed harmless since they live in a very safe neighborhood but when they had been gone for an hour I started to get a little worried. After an hour and a half I was almost paniking (which I tried to conceal from Nathan so he wouldn't think I was freaking out over nothing). I tried calling Holly's cell phone but she didn't answer- let me again apologize to Mom for all the times I did that- and it was getting dark. All I could think about was the seven sets of parents who would be calling us to find out where their daughters were and what was I going to tell them? Finally, they came home after 2 hours. I resisted the urge to run into the room and question them as to where they had been (Holly later told me they had stopped by a "friends" house which I'm sure means they set out in the first place to visit some boys). All in all, I've decided we are sending our children to boarding school when they become teenagers because that is the only way I'm going to avoid going completely gray with worry. Or maybe I will just send them to live with one of their wonderful Aunts or Uncles :) Now my only concern is what are we going to do tonight? Nate and I have to go out so Holly is home alone- I know we are going to come home to some massive party and boys all over the place! Tell me again why I wanted to do this whole mom thing??


Peyton said...

Aunt Michele: We baby girls aren't all that bad. You will love us no matter WHAT.... thanks for the comment. Auntie Kimmy decided she can now post again!!! I love you!! Come see me and my mommy and daddy (and kimmy) in Arizona!!!

Susie said...

Don't let them see your fear- they'll pounce and you'll never get control!!

Debbie Bond said...

The only thing that got me through the nights that you did not call or even worst, turned your cell phone off - is that someday you would be in my shoes. Now that it is here, I have to say I am not enjoying it. I know how scary it can be to have a child gone and not know where they are. All I can say is pray a lot. I know your dad and I have holes in our knees from praying about your kids.

heatherdevlin said...

haha i enjoyed reading that. You can send them to live with me and my husband... your girls will come back to you spick and span and focuised and ready for their next local beauty pageant, and as for your boys they will be fit, rough, and tough and ready for the next football or baseball try out. that'll keep them under control :)

- aunie heather