Thursday, March 15, 2007

When will summer vacation get here??

So I am at school right now but since we have Illinois State testing this week, I have absolutely nothing to do. I am finding that a lot of teaching is finding things to do to fill your time. I went to the temple with our youth this week, it was the first time I have ever done baptisms as an adult leader and not a youth. I got to be the towel lady, it was kind of fun! I was truly bummed at American Idol last night. I am beginning to feel bad for Sangyay (sp?)- you can tell that he knows he doesn't belong in the competition but he can't kick himself off. Last night everybody booed him- it is sad that people are just voting for him as a joke! We have our second doctor appointment on Monday, we are hoping to hear the baby's heartbeat but it may be too soon. I'll let you all know if we do... St. Patty's Day is on Saturday!! I am so excited (since I am now an Irish-in-law). I am going to make Nathan green waffles and Mom is making cornbeef and cabbage, I can't stand the smell right now so mom volunteered to make it so her house would stink rather than mine! If anyone has any good St. Patrick's Day traditions I would love to hear them. Enjoy your Thursday!

1 comment:

Susie said...

Make the water in your toilets green.