Sunday, March 11, 2007

Go Cougars!

Well, Nathan and I were very excited to see that BYU has made it into the NCAA basketball tournament (they are an 8 seed in the South bracket). We were kind of hoping that they would be in the Midwest or West bracket so they could play here in Chicago but no such luck- their first game will be in Lexington, KY. Maybe Jon and Mandy will go and tell us all about it! In other news, we bought our first baby item yesterday. I dragged Nate to Target to look at a new swimsuit for our trip to Florida. I think I am just going to give in and buy a maternity suit, even though I don't need one yet, because I don't want to have to buy another one this summer. Anyway, of course I wander into the baby section (I love being able to do that now!) and I just wanted to buy one thing. It is weird how you don't really feel like you are having a baby until you start buying stuff. But since we don't find out what we are having for a couple more months, we had to figure out what to buy that could be unisex. We settled on a really cute Eddie Bauer diaperbag. It's black, so Nate can carry it and still feel manly. I made him carry it around the store a little, just to make sure that he would be comfortable with it, it was kind of weird to see him carrying a diaperbag! So we bought the bag and it is now sitting on the new glider (my Valentine's Day present), we have officially started our shrine to the baby. I can't wait to start buying clothes! How much longer do we have to wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl? I don't know if I am patient enough for this parenting thing! I guess time will tell...

1 comment:

Mandy said...

We actually aren't going to get to go to the game. Jon is heading to Utah on thursday and then on to Nevada to do go over last minute details with the Dr. he is going to work with! And I am WAY TOO pregnant to sit through a drive and a game! Buying baby stuff is the best, it has been a bummer not to really buy too much this time, but I am really excited to have another girl. Anyway usually you find out what you are having some where between 16-22 weeks! It seems like forever, but it is definately fun to find out! I hope you aren't feeling too sick, I lost almost 20 pounds this time (not complaining!) It is the worst when you feel yucky! Soon you will be feeling great! My first pregnancy was the BEST! This one is way more uncomfortable! Enjoy it while you can, it is an experience that not many can! Sorry I left you so much on here!