Thursday, November 8, 2007


yes, that is my son sleeping in his crib!! Lincoln decided that in honor of his 6 week birthday he would take all his naps in his crib- yea! Truth be told, he will only sleep in there for about an hour but we are taking baby steps... More good news- Lincoln is sleeping between 5-6 hours at night, a welcome relief for his tired mother. So everything is improving here and BYU plays TCU tonight- go Cougars!
P.S- Upon closer examination of this picture I feel the need to explain that I am not trying to endanger our child's life by putting pillows and blankets in his crib (our childcare class teacher would be VERY upset)- we think that Lincoln didn't like his crib at first because it was too big so we followed our friend's advice and placed rolled up blankets on either side of him (one was in the wash- hence the Bobby pillow). So thanks go out to Laura (aka Mrs. Dub) for her fabulous parenting tips.


Susie said...

So sweet- it makes me want to pinch him and wake him up!!

Debbie Bond said...

he is so sweet, even when he is crying - which he never seems to do with me - maybe because I whisper in his ear all the stuff I will buy for him when he get older. Hang in their honey, before long all this up nights will be a distant memory.

Mrs. Dub said...

Wow! I feel so famous. Thanks for the shout-out! I'm happy to hear the l'il guy is sleeping better. I promise they all eventually sleep 10 hours straight. And, yes, it's awesome!

The Stokes said...

Woohoo! So sweet and cute!