P.S.- A big apology to Nate Healy who had already taken off of work to go to the race on Apr. 17th, I will forever be sorry for that but maybe we can convince the Berretts to go to out on the boat that weekend!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Some better news...
All is not lost! Our wonderful friends the Healys informed us that there is another 10k race in Morro Bay the weekend of July 17th so now I can still compete in the race (hopefully with Megan, hint hint:) and I won't be interrupting Nathan's school work! Yea- I love when things work out.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Some bad news...
So I had grand plans to be in Morro Bay on the weekend of April 17th to run a 10k. Unfortunately, nobody explained that to Fresno State University and they scheduled Nathan's comprehensive exams (7 very long papers) from April 5- 30. So I can't exactly ask my very kind, loving, and patient husband to skip out of town with me for a weekend so that I can run in a race while he has hours and hours of writing to do. So we are postponing the race for a little while...I guess we will see what comes up this summer.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
8 months old already
I was really good at writing about Lincoln's life every month during his first year but, as is always the case, I have two children now and Reagan has been neglected. So today she turns 8 months old and I thought I would finally get around to writing about her many talents and new discoveries. Reagan...
...can now roll over both ways
...will go from a sitting position to her stomach, but she screams when she realizes she is on her stomach
...hates being on her stomach so much that she will probably never crawl
...has two teeth on the bottom and is currently getting her two top ones
...loves her solid foods, as long as it is fruit- she makes a funny face and spits out any vegetables we try to feed her
...wants us to do everything for her, anytime we try to get her to hold her own bottle she puts her hands behind her back and looks at us like, "no- that's your job"
...LOVES paper- especially her brother's coloring books and her dad's textbooks
...is very happy and smiley as long as there is someone paying attention to her
...is the best snuggler
...is so great about letting me play with her hair and she doesn't even rip her bows out (although I am sure that is coming)
...weighs a whopping 22lbs
...is so much fun to be with everyday!
I just can't tell you how much we love our little girl. It is so much fun to watch her grow and learn. Love you baby!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
We took Lincoln to Disneyland this weekend and it was such an awesome experience! I didn't know if Lincoln would even like the park but he loved almost every second of our time there and it was so much fun to see how excited he was. None of it would have been possible without my wonderful Aunt Marcia who not only housed our family and our friends the Berretts for two nights, but also watched Reagan ALL day so that we could enjoy Disneyland without a baby in tow. A million thank yous would not be enough to explain how grateful we are to her.
Riding Dumbo- he wouldn't let us go down at all, he only wanted to fly as high as it would go
Anyone who knows me knows how crazy I get with planning things, and our trip to Disneyland was no exception. I think I spent three weeks online looking for tips and suggestions for taking toddlers to Disneyland. I even found a software that will plan out your entire day so that you don't have to wait for longer than 20 minutes in any ride (totally worth it, if you are going to Disneyland any time soon think about getting RIDEMAX). So everyone thought I was a little psycho when I dragged all seven of us out of bed at 6:30am so we could be at the park by 7:20am and walking through the gates as soon as they opened. I'm sure people thought we had lost it when they saw Carroll and I running down mainstreet with two giant strollers but we were at Dumbo by 8:05am and we walked right on (the rest of the day, the line for Dumbo was at least 45min.) The rest of the day went so smoothly- we rode everything we wanted to ride, had good seats for the parade, and even had an hour and half to go back to Marcia's for lunch and relaxing. The kids hung in there with us and stayed up late enough to watch fireworks (my personal favorite). At the end of the day, we just couldn't stop talking about how wonderful everything was, definately my best day at Disney ever!
Meeting Mickey for the first time
Had to stop and climb on the firetruck at ToonTown
On the caroussel- his favorite ride
At Tarzan's Treehouse
Jungle Cruise
Autopia- his second favorite ride. Nate said the whole time he kept saying, "Daddy, I driving"
The teacups- Nate was getting sick but Lincoln kept wanting to go faster
It was such a great day, we had so much fun with the Berretts, it would not have been the same without them there. Now to plan our next family trip together, I'm pushing for Hawaii...
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