Friday, May 9, 2008

Trip to Utah

We had a wonderful time visiting Nate's family in Utah- although the trip was way too short. We got to meet our new niece, Lindsey, who is by far the best baby I have ever seen in my entire life. I thought all babies screamed like my child does but, oh no, the only peep I heard out of Lindsey was a slight whimper when she wanted to be held. So when do I get a baby like that?? I never realized how much Lincoln has grown in the last seven months until we held him up next to Lindsey- he was HUGE! He looked like King Kong (a movie I hated by the way) next to sweet little Lindsey. But I love my little gorilla. Maybe that's what his nickname should be, hmmm... Here are some pics from the weekend, we were really smart and didn't take any of the baby :)

Can we bring some books mom??

I'm all ready

Lincoln on the giant rocking chair in Beaver (my cousin Chelsea introduced me to this in college)

The whole family

Anyway- in unrelated news, Lincoln has outgrown his 9 month clothing but I have been putting off taking his 12 month clothes out of storage because they are in the garage and it's just a hassle. But I found myself with nothing to do on Wednesday (like I ever really have anything to do!) so I bit the bullet and pulled out all the clothes. An hour later I found myself buried in mounds of clothing and wanting to cry. Why didn't anyone warn me that putting away baby clothes is like slow torture for a mother? I kept pulling out onesies that were too big on him when we brought him home from the hospital and now they look itty bitty. I forgot how small he was- I wanted to grab on to him and somehow keep him from getting any bigger. I feel like I'm going to blink and he'll be grown up. But I digress. I just keep having to remind myself that I still have 18 years of him being my little boy. But if you ever find me in a pile of baby clothes crying my eyes out, just don't ask.


Debbie Bond said...

Oh Michele I feel your pain, but my bubbie is so cute. I can not wait to hold him. He will probably seem big to me also, but as long as I can still hold and hug him I am o.k. By the way, where is Nate in the picture???

The Stokes said...

Love the picture of Linc in the rocking chair. He looks so ity bity. Love my boy and his adorable smile.